The Study Room is an alternate space for the study of Bharatanatyam, endeavouring to bring in the principles of traditional training into a modern mind space. The Study Room will shift the focus from product-based to process-based learning within the realm of short-term learning engagements.

The Study Room will offer various short term modules for the study and practice of Bharatanatyam taught by Apoorva Jayaraman. These short-term modules are not a workshops. The focus of the course will not be to merely learn and memorise the choreography. An interested student must be prepared to engage in less-commonly expected modes of study including reading of study material, watching video samples and analysing them, undertaking simple and basic research exercises etc.

Would you like to experience learning at The Study Room?

The only pre-requisite to learn at The Study Room is you must be passionate and eager to engage with the course in a full manner. Write to us using the form below for further details on all the courses. We would be happy to address all your questions.

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