> Footnotes from The Study Room | Apoorva Jayaraman

Impact of Course

Yashasvi Reddy, Glazed 2021
One obvious way that comes to me immediately is, How I think about dance has changed for certain.When i listen to a piece, the way I view the entire piece along with how to peel it layer by layer, deconstruct and reconstruct it in way that enhances the composition has started to take shape. As some of my fellow participants have often stated in the class room, I am able to view the different shades and colors much more clearly now.
Renuka Iyer, SteepEd 2021
The biggest way in which this course has impacted my dance is through helping me develop strategies for being present through each moment of dance - whether that moment is an adavu, a couple aksharas of the music, the lyrical or instrumental nuances of the composition and how it's rendered...the list goes on. The most immediate aspect of my dance which I feel changed through these strategies was my basic technique. I was surprised at how much my basic bedhas and adavus changed as a result of focusing on working different moments of my dance using different strategies.
Shraddha Prasad, Glazed 2021
This coursework has impacted my Abhinaya training the most! I felt I have learnt to hold an emotion, switch from one to another and most importantly, how to practice.
Sindhu Majeti, InsideOut 2022
I think this course has most impacted the way I approach practicing and the process I will use moving further when learning new pieces. Specifically what details I should pay attention to and moving away from practicing just to remember the steps.
Pavitra Kumar, InsideOut 2022
I believe this course has made me more intentional in how I practice and choreograph. Specifically, I don't think of adavus as stagnant formulas to put together but more as the baseline to explore movement. I definitely see a change in my dance style as well!
Nicolo Helios Gulizia, InsideOut 2022
I think the course has made me grow from many points of view, many more than I expected. It made me review the dance from the ground up and correct some basic skills that I had learned the wrong way. It made me aware of my limits and of what I can do to get better. It also allowed my awareness as an artist and dancer to grow, through questions and reflections that are not obvious at all.
Stuti Mukherjee, InsideOut 2022
This course has helped me work on my imagery, body lines/symmetry, musicality, use of eyes, breath work , improve stamina and use of strength/energy. Most importantly, this course has taught me how to approach and fall in love with the most dreaded dance pieces in a Bharatanatyam repertoire- VARNAM!
Sharanga Shatchidanandam, InsideOut 2022
This course expanded my vocabulary in dance. Not just in terms of terminology, but in movement, thought, and ideas. I've moved and expressed emotions in ways I never have in Bharathanatyam. Inside-Out was an invaluable experience, and truly a turning point in the way I perceive and express Bharathanatyam.